
Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Development Of An SMS - Based Outage Reporting System , 21st CIRED Conference In Frankfurt, Germany
Publication Authors:
 B. J. Olufeagba, K. E. Alowolodu, And O. D. Alowolodu
Year Published:

Traditional outage reporting in Nigeria is done by consumers visiting the service station of the electricity company and making reports of outages. This presents many problems such as inaccurate data management, slow response and uncoordinated outage management among others. Developed outage reporting system are based on fixed land lines and these are not very common in Nigeria. The Global System for Mobile (GSM) has over the past decade covered most of the country. A real-time outage reporting system based on the Short Message Service (SMS) feature of the GSM was developed and implemented. The solution is a GSM modem interfaced to a computer which would receive customer originated messages, process them and update a database and thus alert essential units in the organization for action in real time while providing the means of relatively accurate collection of data useful for planning and other functions. The software was developed with Microsoft C# and MapWindows which provided a means of overlaying the faults reported on a digital map of the coverage area. The system proved to provide a shorter mean time to repair of faults on the Akure distribution area.

Publication Type:
Publication Title:
 Development Of An SMS - Based Outage Reporting System , 21st CIRED Conference In Frankfurt, Germany
Publication Authors:
 B. J. Olufeagba, K. E. Alowolodu, And O. D. Alowolodu
Year Published:
Traditional outage reporting in Nigeria is done by consumers visiting the service station of the electricity company and making reports of outages. This presents many problems such as inaccurate data management, slow response and uncoordinated outage management among others. Developed outage reporting system are based on fixed land lines and these are not very common in Nigeria. The Global System for Mobile (GSM) has over the past decade covered most of the country. A real-time outage reporting system based on the Short Message Service (SMS) feature of the GSM was developed and implemented. The solution is a GSM modem interfaced to a computer which would receive customer originated messages, process them and update a database and thus alert essential units in the organization for action in real time while providing the means of relatively accurate collection of data useful for planning and other functions. The software was developed with Microsoft C# and MapWindows which provided a means of overlaying the faults reported on a digital map of the coverage area. The system proved to provide a shorter mean time to repair of faults on the Akure distribution area.